Doc and Sparky started their morning with a run to McDonalds. Breakfast and a quarter! (Coin #1) .Doc said it made for a good start to the new Penny Finding month.
I had a long list of things I was going to accomplish before noon today. Then we found out Danny was going to be cutting the rafter tails and we needed to finalize our design choice. See the video to make your selection.
At the job site we cut two test rafters, determined the trellis end cuts, reviewed the Aussie room soffit, modified the cathedral window size, discussed belly bands, spaced out the dining room ceiling beams, and more. So much for a quick trip out there.
We went home for two hours to work on the window list edits and preparation for our 3 p.m. meeting with Daryl. Noticed one of our sprinkler valves was leaking significantly, so repair work is needed. We shut off the water to the house before going to our meeting.
It was over 100 degrees F this afternoon, yet Doc and Daryl still craved their coffee. We procured the foul brew at Starbucks along with ten pennies! (Coins #2-11)
We spent two hours in Daryl’s office focusing on the schedule and a dozen other things. Numerous action items resulted.
On the way home we stopped at OSH hardware for plumbing parts. They had the valve, but not the plastic union we needed. At least Doc found a penny there. (Coin #12). At the next hardware store we arrived at 6 pm to see the door sign being turned over to read “Closed”. So we headed to a third hardware store where we found the needed union and a penny (Coin #13).
By then we were hungry and stopped for dinner. We actually went inside to eat, but when no cars were in the drive thru lane I ran out to check it for coins - none. As we were leaving and Doc was throwing away the trash, he found 2 dimes and 2 pennies. (Coins #14-17). They were in a kiddie toy vending machine which takes 2 quarters to play it! Does that make any ‘cents’?
Total: 17 Coins P (14), N (0), D (2), Q (1) = $0.59
1 comment:
Foul brew at Starbucks??? How dare dost thou disparage ichor, the world's most perfect colloidal suspension.
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