Today was Doc’s birthday. He now qualifies for Social Security benefits.
There was plenty of Hot Stuff going on all day …
Doc and Sparky collected coffee, a breakfast burrito, and a penny at Johnny’s Burgers (Coin #1)
Before leaving the house at noon, Doc and I worked with the HVAC guy to place the order for the air units to go in the attic. There should be some Hot Air Action pretty soon.
We ran a few errands, but did not find any coins. So we stopped at the 7-11 store where we recently re-discovered Tony. I found a penny and a dime inside; Doc found a penny outside by the service door outside. (Coins #2-4). Tony pulled a quarter out of his pocket to add to the kitty, but that does not count.
The next stop was at the Plumbing Supply Center. We purchased the tankless water heater and Heater Treater. Now Doc can be in Hot Water ALL the time!
Doc needed his Hot Coffee, so we visited a Starbucks. The line was slow, so I ran across the street to the taco fast food while waiting. Three pennies lined up nicley on the curb, with a quarter under the drive up window. (Coins #5-8). Doc claimed a nickel and two dimes in the Starbucks line when paying for his coffee. (Coins #9-11). Hit for the Cycle at that one stop! Nice Birthday surprise.
We took things out to the jobsite and found that no one had been working out there today. Not good news.

Next we headed for the fireplace shop in Riverside. Finally placed that order. Soon we will have Hot Flames.
For Doc’s Birthday dinner he wanted a steak. He suggested Sizzler; I proposed something more unique. We discovered the Black Horse Tavern just off the freeway in Norco. Great food and waitresses in Hot Pants.
There was a 7-11 in the same shopping center, so I couldn’t resist walking over there to search. Spotted two pennies and a dime under the counter. Had to dodge several customers as I dove for each of those. I turned to leave and there was a dime between me and the door! How did that get there? Mushroom Coin. (Coins #12-15)
We stopped for petrol on the way home. Looked around the vacuum canisters, but at first did not see any coins. After my eyes adjusted and I re-focused, I found three dirt pennies. (Coins #16-18).
That makes 18 coins for Doc’s birthday on the 18th. What a COINcidence!
Total: 18 Coins P (11), N (1), D (5), Q (1) = $0.91
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