Had an 8 a.m. meeting with the roofer this morning. He walked the roof to determine the final details of the job. There are a few additional things he would like in place before he begins. The framing guys were working on the remainder of the sheeting and the City Inspector is expected tomorrow to sign off on the roof nailing.
The HVAC equipment arrived today. We expected it at 10 a.m. but the driver got lost and didn’t arrive until after 11. Took an hour to offload the truck and move the gear appropriately.
A neighbor, Ed came over to introduce himself. Turns out he is retired from CPP and I recognized him.

This morning it was breakfast and one penny at McDonalds. Three pennies and lunch at a Mexican restaurant. One dime at Chuck E. Cheese’s. (Coins #1-5)
Today would typically be our bi-weekly Play Time with the nieces and nephews. Since this is the last session before the kids move away, we decided to make it a sleepover. The girls are at our house tonight, the boys will come on Saturday. One of our activities was to go to Chuck E. Cheese’s and cash out the vouchers they had been collecting for many months.
The girls demanded 100% attention for the entire 6 hours until bedtime. How does a mother get anything done? Not sure which is tougher - working a construction site, or entertaining two little girls?
Total: 5 Coins P (4), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.14
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