It feels like we have been traveling on the Autobahn these past 5 weeks - no speed limit! Must be doing at least 150 kph. A cousin arrived from Germany today. Hopefully we will get a "break in traffic" to see him while he is here.
Every day there are dozens of things to determine, decide or design for the Penny Palace.
8:30 meeting with a Finish Carpenter. We spoke of shelving, baseboards, door moldings, hanging interior doors, etc.

9:30 worked with Danny to design the fireplace hearth and first level.
10:30 Crissa arrived to finalize placement of the fireplace box
11:00 Steve and Brian began working on the HVAC system and review things with us.
1:00 Headed out to Highland to sign roofing contract
2:00 Roofing Supply Center to place order
2:30 Stone Yard to investigate fireplace stone
4:00 Storage unit office to pay for additional 6 months rental (flooring is in storage there)

4:45 Solar Tube Office. Closing at 5 pm. Owner not in, but leaving for vacation Thursday. He was called and agreed to meet us as soon as we could get to the job site.
5:30 Back to jobsite to meet and place order for Solar Tubes
6:45 Water store for H2O for workers
An evening of emails, reviewing bids, designing things like the chimney shroud, making phone calls, paying bills, and then preparing for tomorrow morning meetings.
Is there a ‘rest stop’ on this Autobahn?
Penny Finding? I am too busy building the Penny Palace to go out of my way to search for coins or write Penny Tales. But the Penny Angels put the coins in my pathway despite my objections. Let me try to remember today’s finds …
At noon Doc stopped for a Starbucks coffee. He found a dime (Coin #1). We then walked over to the Taco Bell so I could sit and write up my notes from this morning. There was one small car back at the order mic, so I quickly ran past the drive up window while it was clear. Two pennies (Coins #2&3). At the stone yard while I was focused on the stone samples. Doc found a dime. (Coin #4) Again he had 2 silvers and I had two coppers.
On our way home from the lot (the second time), Doc stopped for his dinner at Carl’s Jr. I was planning to eat leftovers at home. While his attention was on the order window, my attention was out my window. I spotted a dirt penny in the planter and hopped out to get it. Then there was another penny, and another, and another, and another … For once I hoped Doc’s order would take an extended time. I kept collecting pennies until he had his food and we needed to move out for the next car. As we drove away I counted the pennies in my hand - 20! Coin Mine.
Total: 24 Coins P (22), N (0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.42
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