Doc went to Cal Poly Pomona and worked there for the day, while I went to the jobsite
My first stop was to pick up those two leaded glass sidelights from the glass shop. They will look nice next to the entry door. They radiate when the sun catches the beveled glass.
Then I stopped to get petrol for Pippy. (no coins found). Next was the blueprint shop for copies of the flooring designs I created last night.
At the jobsite Grader Craig was backfilling the trench which he had dug two weeks ago. More work by the framing crew on the front trellis.
At lunchtime Danny offered to buy lunch if I would drive. He was hungry, but did not want to drive his truck and trailer rig to the nearby shopping center for food. We had a nice lunch together. As we returned to Pippy, I spotted a penny behind her. (Coin #1).

After lunch I “laid tile” to mock up one of the area rugs I designed last night.
This afternoon I spent 1.5 hours at a flooring shop trying to make further selections. Then I went to Home Depot for more rolls of radiant barrier. Found a radiant penny in the parking lot. (Coin #2). Inside the store I was cutting some samples of baseboard molding. An older man who was passing by, stopped and made cuts for me. ARK. I gave him a Penny Card. He did not speak English, but had a radiant smile.
Doc called in and provided his coin report in case I was going to start writing Penny Tales while he was still at school. He and Sparky collected a nickel and a penny inside Starbucks this morning. (Coins #3&4).
At 8:50 p.m. I was looking for my baseboard samples. They were not in my shopping bag! I called Home Depot and we hurried back there to hopefully find my pieces. We had to cut two new pieces, but we did find two additional pennies. One of them was slightly behind a barrier. (Coins #5&6).
The next stop was Target for some supplies and one Penny. (Coin #7).
Total: 7 Coins P (6), N (1), D (0), Q (0) = $0.11
1 comment:
1.5 hours: it's nice when your inner engineer shows through every-once-in-a-while.
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