By now you just gotta believe in miracles ....
Short Story Version:
I just bought two leaded glass "side lights" for the entrance to the Penny Palace.
Full Story Version:
I always wanted leaded glass side lights for the entryway of the Penny Palace. To save money, Doc and I just ordered plain glass and said that someday we might make leaded glass panes and insert them.
Two days ago all the windows for the house arrived. I was soooooo disappointed in the two entry widows. They were 12" wide - but with 7" of vinyl frames and merely 5" of glass! GROSS!
Today we rushed home by 4 p.m. hoping that the bank had sent their reimbursement check for last month and we could deposit it by closing time. No check. We were frustrated. Doc grabbed food and went into his Man Cave to watch TV.
I looked at the clock which read 4:15 p.m. and said: "OK Penny Angels. It is a Friday and many places close a little earlier. What can I do in the next 45 minutes?" I was nudged to take action on those entryway windows.
I drove to the Redwing Glass shop in the old part of Pomona and gambled they would be open. The place must be 100 years old. I explained my situation to Rhonda, the owner. There was a lot of additional conversation which went on regarding some of the pieces in the shop, her family's legacy, the City's attempts to shut down the business and on and on... I had brought along a catalog of kitchen cabinets which had examples of leaded glass doors. Rhonda assured me they could make any of those glass pieces. Then she suggested we check around the corners of the shop for any odds and ends or salvageable used pieces.
It would be a nice thing to incorporate ‘recycled’ windows into the Penny Palace.

We looked around the shop. The first pieces she suggested were full-length side lights. "No, I need shorter than that". The next ones she pulled out had pink glass highlights. "No thanks!". The next ones were a good size, but too many assorted colors. "Not right". I was beginning to feel like Goldilocks.
The fourth piece of glass Rhonda pulled out was beautiful!!!! It had a few broken pieces, but it was a good size, had some beveled glass, a very pleasing design and black-colored leading. GREAT!!! I was scared to ask ... "Do you only have one?" No, she had two! Next question: "Cost?" It was totally reasonable! Next question: "How long to repair them?" Chilo will begin the repair work now and they will be ready MONDAY!
By that point I was in tears. In 45 minutes the Angels had provided the perfect windows!
P.S. In addition .... Rhonda said this was great for her too. I asked what she meant. She needed some cash right now and this would convert the clutter into cash!!!!
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