There was one window missing from the delivery yesterday, so this morning we did some follow-up with that issue. We then stopped at the plumbing shop to exchange one defective valve piece. By 10 a.m. we were headed to the jobsite. Doc stopped for coffee, I went next door to the fast-food drive up window and found a dime and penny. (Coins #1&2). Doc found a dime on the floor at the coffee place. (Coin #3)

There were workers throughout the Penny Palace today. Every few moments someone was asking “What about this? Where do you want this?” We had made some of the huge windows smaller when we placed our order. The framed openings had not yet been reduced, so those particular windows could not be installed today. Tomorrow we will be re-framing some openings.
The interior transom windows are not what I expected. I was just going to put up a 12” x 24” piece of glass over two interior doorways. The window rep said that windows like the exterior ones would look nice. I looked at the windows today. A 12” window means 7” of vinyl frame is showing and only 5” of glass. Not acceptable. Back to the plain glass. Maybe these new vinyl windows can be used in the garage.
Doc found a nickel when he made a lunch run. (Coin #4)
I met with our cabinet designer from 3-6 pm.
Doc and I finally left the jobsite after 7 p.m. We stopped at Home Depot for some lumber. We were both so tired and barely able to walk. I told Doc I would fetch the lumber cart. I tugged the cart over to meet him and asked him to take over pushing it through the store. He said, “That is cute”. I asked him what he was talking about? He replied “The Penny on the Cart”. I thought he was joking. He was not. There was a shiny penny in the middle of the cart - a Stowaway! The Penny Angels were being playful and I was too tired to even notice. (Coin #5)
At 8 pm as we exited the freeway I spotted a shiny something in the glow of the setting sun. Sit -N-Find. It was a Knott’s Berry Farm token. We stopped briefly for Mexican food. One dime at the drive-up window. (Coin #6)
Much happening at the jobsite. Windows, electrical wiring, phone and communication placements, framing, HVAC, cabinetry and more. Too tired to write about it. Good progress.
Total: 6 Coins P (2), N (1), D (3), Q (0) = $0.37
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