This morning we were headed to the jobsite by 7:15 a.m. Stopped at a 7-11 store for two bananas and coins. I found two pennies inside and Doc found some sort of coin (which turned out to be a penny) in the parking lot. (Coins #1-3).
Doc then stopped for coffee. I stayed in the van. I noticed there were no cars in the Carl’s Jr. line, but I refused to get out and search. I said to the Penny Angels, “Look, it is Saturday. Give me a break. We already have three coins, that is enough. I am going to put in a full day at the jobsite and then you want me to spend 1-2 hours writing Penny Tales tonight. NO!” So I sat in the van waiting for Doc to return. I needed to get something from the back seat. I opened the van door and stepped out - right next to a penny! (Coin #4) It was if the Penny Angels were laughing saying, “Gotch Ya. You can not hide from us!”


Busy morning. There was an HVAC guy working. The framing crew placed the diagonal pieces in the trusses. Thanks to the plumbing team we now have running water to the exterior hose bibs. (See video).
Around 10 a.m. we made a run to Home Depot to get ledger screws for Framer Danny. He and crew were working on the Grand Room Trusses today. Wow.
We did not find the desired screws. When leaving the store, however, I noticed a flooring tile display. See the Tiles from Heaven Story. The second time we left the store we encountered Ulus, a colleague from work. He gave us some updates and just as we finished conversations and hugs with him, I noticed a penny right behind him! (Coin #5).
Next we went to Staples office supply to run copies of the cabinetry renderings so I can edit those. Doc found a dirt penny there. (Coin #6).
This afternoon we met on site with a tile guy. He said he would let me use his saw to cut the tile for my tile insert rugs and he would then lay them. He would even lower his price if I did the cutting for him!
Our dog’s nails had been ignored for a while so we raced home, fetched the dogs and headed for Petco. It was a 45-minute ordeal which none of the 4 humans or 3 canines enjoyed. At one point we were told we might need to take Dundee to the vet and have him sedated in order to trim his dew claw. Fortunately persistence paid off and the groomer said, “Gotch Ya!”
Doc could tell that I was still unsettled about the floor tile we had seen earlier in the day. That man can read my thoughts. He asked, “Do you want to go to the nearby Home Depot and ask about that tile?” I replied, “What about the dogs in a parked hot car?” Doc offered to stay in the cool van with the dogs while I ran inside to investigate the tile.
As we drove up to the store, Doc drove right over a shiny penny. I KNEW this was a good omen (Coin #7 - and seven is a heavenly number as well).
My inquiries in the store led to very disappointing answers. However the ‘nudging’ persisted. “Don’t give up”. I went on line … and found the tile! See separate Tiles from Heaven Story.
Tiles - I GOTCH YA!!
Total: 7 Pennies
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