
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day #1,327 - Jumping for Joy

I had set the alarm for 7 a.m., but at 5:30 I awoke eager to start the day.  I completed numerous things before Screen Dale arrived.  We spent an hour investigating various options for screens on four doors.  In the Grand Room I want to be able to open the French doors and let in cool air in the evenings.  Since the doors swing outward and are 8 ft. tall, it’s not something I can just run down and get at Home Depot.

Mid-morning Doc headed to Cal Poly Pomona to work on the solar car issues and other things.

People wonder WHY I haven’t made better progress on unpacking things around the house?  For the two hours after Doc went to work, I also went to work -- I just didn’t leave the house.  I dealt with: the realtor, the solar panel rater, screen door decisions, a neighbor who needed to borrow a tool, the contractor across the street who wanted some information, the County Tax Assessor, our investment company,  sofa designs, closet designs, the mortgage company, a delinquent renter, rearranging furniture, plus some cleaning.

Good Fit!
Early afternoon went much the same way.  I had agreed to meet Doc at 5 p.m. to investigate the   purchase of his recliner chair.  I left the house at nearly 4 p.m., stopped at the post office to ship off some of those text books Doc sorted through yesterday.  We donated them to which is a great place to buy books when your are looking.  Then I stopped to exchange the defective ironing board I bought last month.  There was a penny next to the feet of a lady at the Customer Service counter where I walked in.  She was taking too long and I was impatient, so I just asked for permission to take the penny by her foot and I was on my way.  No time for explanations.

I was running 15 minutes late when I got off the freeway.  I looked in my rearview mirror to see Doc right behind me - also 15 minutes late.  Perfect timing!

We spent the next 1.5 hours at the furniture store sitting on our backsides and laying down on the job.  We finally made a decision and had John the sales rep Jumping for Joy!

Sofa Testing
So many good things happened today.  We got an offer on the Pomona house, we ordered Doc’s recliner and my sofas, the neighbor delivered my kitchen utensil tray which he had for the past 7-8 weeks in order to trim it for me, the loan officer emailed to say he should have our package reviewed by tomorrow, and so much more.

Tomorrow is expected to be more of the same.  Plus a neighbor wants to come over in the evening to see the house!  Eeks!  It still looks like a tornado hit here.

Total:  1 Penny

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