
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day #686 - Building Team

At 10 AM Doc and I met with another potential house framer. A neighbor had told him we were building a new home, so the framer called and offered to put in a bid for his services. It will take him 2 weeks to prepare that.

One of the items to get Pippy situated was a new left rear tire. So at noon, Doc and I headed out to the tire shop. Of course, after that Doc had worked up an appetite and needed a McDonalds stop where he also collected two pennies. (Coins #1&2).

Doc had his 2¢ worth, but I didn’t have mine yet. So we stopped at a gas station and convenience store where I collected three pennies. (Coins #3-5)

In the afternoon we met for two hours with the plumber we anticipate hiring. That was the first time we had met him. Very nice. It’s exciting to see the Building Team coming together.

Total: 5 Pennies

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