
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day #828 - Exponential Finds

Doc likes to go out for breakfast whenever he can - steak and eggs, biscuits and gravy. I don’t particularly want a heavy meal and am satisfied with yogurt. Doc enticed me to going out with him by saying we would penny search a few places on the way to breakfast, then do some planning and scheduling for the week.

We found a few coins on our journey to breakfast. A penny at the Arby’s window, a penny at the McDonalds window, a penny at the In-N-Out tables, two dirt pennies in a flowerbed, a nickel in the grocery store parking lot, and a penny in the high school parking lot. (Coins #1-7).


The afternoon was spent doing more prep work. I did price comparisons and research on line. Doc prepared for classes and went to school to get his materials ready for tomorrow’s class. He found a nickel and a Canadian dime while cruising the parking lot upon leaving campus. (Coins #8&9) Sit-n-Find.


When Doc came home this evening it was time for our weekly grocery shopping. At the first store we found one coin. At the second store we found two coins. So I said to Doc, “Given this series, how many coins shall we expect at the third store?” He replied, “Five?” Sure enough, we found five! (Coins #10-17)

We hadn’t been to that 7-11 in a while, so just for fun, we stopped. I was thinking linearly: Store #1 - one coin; Store #2 - two coins; Store #3 - three coins, Store #4 - four coins. But the Penny Angels were thinking exponentially - they provided eight coins there!

At first I counted 23 coins for today and thought, “Rats! Just missed my favorite number of 25”. Then I remembered Doc’s two coins. That made it 25. Nice.

Total: 25 Coins P (20), N (2), D (2), Q (0) + one Canadian = $0.50+ ??

1 comment:

JR said...


The Canadian dime is worth an American dime, currently.