This morning I needed Pinecones for a craft project, so we headed to the local High School parking lot. I collected pinecones while Doc got his penny (Coin #1).
We knew the rest of the day would be busy, so Doc offered to toss me out of the van at the grocery store while he went across the street to Starbucks. I found two pennies there and some of my neighbors were in the check out line to Share in the Find. That was Fun! (Coins #2&3)
At 1 PM we picked up my two twin nephews (ages 9) and niece (age 6) for our anticipated two-night sleepover at the cabin.
We arrived at 3PM as scheduled. Friends of ours (Fil and Teresa who also have 3 kids) had borrowed the cabin for two nights. They presented us with two pennies which they had found when cleaning the cabin (Indirect Finds).
We had a great time with the six kids playing Hide and Go Seek in every nook and cranny of the cabin.

We made peanut butter bird seed pinecones and then feasted on assorted pizzas. Doc and Fil found one penny when they went to pick up the pizza. Hopefully that showed a skeptical Fil what Penny Finding was about. (Coin #4)

At 6:30 PM the nephews said they wanted to do a walk around the perimeter of Lake Gregory. They had said the same thing on their previous visit to the cabin (a year and a half ago), but only made about 15 minutes of the journey. This time they hiked the entire loop and did it in one hour and one minute. Of course they did! (Because now they are NINE).
Uncle Doc and Ashley were our support crew. They met us at three checkpoints and did some penny hunting while getting coffee. They found a ring and a penny in the grocery store parking lot and then another penny inside. (Coins #5&6). We found lots of pinecones and other interesting things along the way
Ashley joined us for the final few minutes of the hike while Uncle Doc was left all alone with his coffee - and the dime he found in the parking lot. (Coin #7)
Thoughts: Kids sure keep you grounded in the present. During our walk I did not think of the new house, the rental, retirement, work, other people, dogs, etc. 100% Focused energy on those three “little seedlings” and their interests. Is that what the Bible means when it says to “Be Like a Child”. That sense of just Being in the present?
Total: 7 Coins P (6), N (0), D (1), Q (0) =16¢ + 2 Indirect Finds
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