
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day #743 - Welcome to 2011

On the first day of the year, Doc and I pretty much agree not to speak to one another. He eats and watches TV, I organize finances and things around the house.

This morning Doc made some cornbread, then watched the Rose Parade. He was looking forward to a whole day of football. He was hugely disappointed when he found out there was only one game on free TV this year! (All the others are now on cable).


I paid bills, washed laundry, logged in penny finds for December, switched out the auto mileage journals, etc. Around noon I went out to get a break from the TV noise, to mail all the bills, and to find some coins. A quick walk through a grocery store provided 4 dimes and 2 pennies (Coins #1-6). In the afternoon I splurged -- I grabbed a book and a snuggly dog and took a nap!


This evening Doc was dismayed at the low number of steps on his pedometer. Imagine - after sitting on a sofa all day, he didn’t have many steps. (No kidding!) So at 7 PM we headed out to get put on a few steps.

Our first stop was a 7-11 store so Doc could get his penny for today. (Coins #7). Then we went to a grocery store because it is much wamer to walk indoors than outdoors. I found a quarter as we walked in! (Coin #8). I though, “Just need a nickel to Hit for the Cycle”. Immediately I saw the smallest sliver of something silver. It took a piece of stiff paper and several attempts, but I coaxed that silver nickel out from its hiding place. (Coin #9). Doc found his own quarter. (Coin #10)

Doc felt one penny was not enough for him and wanted another 1,000 steps so we stopped at another grocery store. He found two pennies. Again, I spotted the tiniest sliver of something silver. And again I had to use a tool to coax a nickel from its hiding place. Double Hit for the Cycle! (Coins #11-13)

By now Doc and I were laughing. He suggested walking over to the In-N-Out burger (which was very busy). I said we could only walk around the tables, because the line of cars was too long for us to access the drive-up windows. Besides, “You know you can’t find coins in the dark!” We walked. Doc found a penny under one of the tables. We began to walk away. Found another penny. We were laughing. There was a third penny. “You can’t find coins in the dark!” Then a 4th penny, then a 5th, a little further was a 6th, then a 7th. Reminder - “You can’t find coins in the dark!” Then an 8th … then a 10th! (Coins #14-23)

Reminder: Don’t tell the Angels what you CAN’T DO. They will either laugh, or make you eat your words.

Total: 23 Coins P (15), N (2), D (4), Q (2) = $ 1.15

1 comment:

Lead Like a Girl said...

Nice start to the year!!! Congrats on your 23 coins to kick off 2011. WHEEEEE!! :-)