Today was a Furlough Day at work. (Which means essentially a smaller paycheck). So we spent the morning spending! (Lots of work done on both of our vehicles).
Our first stop was to take Doc’s van to get the driver’s side electric window operational. It’s been over a year of non-operation. Doc drove the van and I drove the truck. Spotted a penny as I hopped out of the truck. (Coin #1). It was a little run over which just gives it some character.
Doc needed to stop for breakfast before continuing with our day. As we entered Coco’s he realized he had left his backpack with all his papers to grade in the van. So while he ordered his breakfast, I drove back to fetch his gear. When I returned to Coco’s Doc was half way done with eating and I was getting impatient to proceed with the day. I was nudged to walk next door to the Wendy’s so I “took a hike”.
I don’t recall ever having found a coin in a newsstand coin return, but Doc has. There were three stands outside the Coco’s. Nothing in stands #1 and #2 so I was going to leave when I noticed two quarters in the stand #3! Then there was a third quarter on the ground. Score! (Coins #2-4).
The nudging was strong to walk through the Wendy’s drive . There was a dime at the pick up window. Nice. I proceeded to the pay window. Wow! There was a bunch of coins. I felt like a chicken gobbling up chicken feed. A penny, then a penny, then a dime, then a penny, then a nickel, then a penny, then a quarter, then three pennies ….A Hit for the Cycle right there! The area had just been hosed down so I followed the trail of water. Found a penny, then a penny, then a penny, then a penny… and one last penny as I returned to the restaurant where Doc was finishing his breakfast. So sixteen coins around that Wendy’s. Coin Mine. (Coins #5-20).
We next went to get the truck re-checked for Smog Certification. It passed! While we were waiting for service, I discovered a Rabbit Rescue Center next store. Anyone out there looking for a lovable friend? The mechanic noticed my truck tires - he recommended that we get new front tires immediately! (But it had only been 9 years since I got the current ones).

We received the call saying the van window was now repaired and that vehicle was ready for us. Back across town we drove. We retrieved the van and agreed to go straight home to get started on that long list of chores… I arrived and Doc was no where to be seen - for 15 minutes! He finally came through the door with a Starbucks coffee, some lottery tickets, and the penny he found as he stepped out of the van at the Circle K. (Coin #25).
We did some household tasks then headed out for our 4 PM appointment. We stopped at Radio Shack to turn in some batteries. One of them fell out of my hand and as I bent to retrieve it, there was a dime! The battery had essentially stopped on a dime. (Coin #26).
Doc has Penny Fever. We were driving past the 7-11 where we found those 28 coins on Day #310. He could not resist stopping. Only one penny found there today (Coin #27). We had our crushed cans and bottles to take to the recycling station, but they were closed for a few minutes. We could not wait due to our 4 PM appointment.
We passed by a drive up mailbox to post some letters. Doc was so excited to be able to roll down his window. It has been over a year since he could do that. However, now how am I going to justify hopping out of the van at all the drive through places?
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We arrived 10 minutes early for our appointment, so again we walked. Doc found a dime in a street parking stall. (Coin #28).
As I was entering the building for our meeting, I noticed Doc stopping to retrieve something. Remember yesterday when I teasingly said to the guy in front of me, “That bill I just saw you pick up was really intended for me. The Penny Angels had placed it in my path, but you got to it one second before I did. Good for You!” Well, today the Penny Angels sent another one and this time Doc got it! Yippee a $20 bill! How does that one count in my coin collection?
Wow! I had not realized today’s message until just now as I was typing to you. I keep saying I need to pursue the development of Penny Finders. Doc keeps saying that is a very foolish and difficult thing to do when coupled with the plans to build the new house. I keep saying I feel “nudged” to take this Leap of Faith. We had just had that “discussion” again (for the umpteenth time) as we were driving to our meeting. Now that I am reflecting on today’s events, was that $20 a sign to correspond with our “Leap of Faith” discussion?
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We had our meeting, then a quick Chinese meal. I wanted to go home, but Doc insisted upon getting a few groceries before going home. I found a dime, he found a penny. (Coins #29&30).
Today’s Total: 30 coins P (19), N (1), D (6), Q (4) = $1.84 + one $20 Bill!
You don't have to tell anyone the window is fixed.
I would say YES, the angels are making it clear that you should keep doing PennyFinders!!!
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