This morning Doc and I went out for breakfast, then established a checking account for Penny Finders. Just an easier way for me to track the various expenses I am incurring. (Promo pens, business cards, serenity stones, mileage, etc.). That was exciting to think of the potential ahead… I tell Doc that he gets his “rush” with Starbucks (and other) coffees several times a day, I get my “rush” by giving people cute Penny Finders cards, pens and trinkets and sharing smiles.
We took one more step of progress on the New House! Today we met with two potential buyers of our Claremont lot. These are people who contacted us last year and were interested in buying our lot. At the time, we said we had plans to build on the land and were not interested in selling. Circumstances CHANGE.
After we met with the first potential buyer, Doc needed his Starbucks coffee. I searched in front of all the nearby stores, the gas station areas, the convenience store, etc. and found zero coins. I remembered little Brandon’s advice from Wednesday, “Think where the water would run”. I did. Found a nickel (the rarest of the four major coins to find). Good news! (Coin #1).
We made a quick stop for lunch supplies at Sprouts Groceries. I didn’t see the penny, but Doc did and pointed for me to fetch it. (Coin #2).
I was anxious to get home and do some cleaning in the garage. (Since some of our Thanksgiving guests will be eating out there). Doc pulled into a gas station saying, “Let’s look for some coins”. Is it penny fever or avoidance of chores? I didn’t find any coins, but Doc did in the car wash area. He spotted a nickel and lifted the drain grate to get it. (Penny Fever). Then he found 2 pennies in one car wash stall and 2 pennies outside the stall. (Coins #3-7).
We were searching for coins when the second couple called to say their afternoon plans had changed, could we meet them out at the lot? We did. It was an enjoyable time. They will think it over.
We stopped at Trader Joes for groceries. There was a really fun gal, Jodi, who was stocking stalks of brussel sprouts. She was wearing a turkey hat and people were smiling at it. Her comment, “It’s worth looking silly if it makes people smile”. I replied, “well then you would like Penny Finding and here is my card. I usually find a penny while shopping at Traders, but nothing so far today”.

We paid for the groceries and were leaving the store. Doc found a penny in the threshold of the doorway. How ever did he spot that? I grabbed his penny and went back inside to show Jodi. Doc gets frustrated when I spend that extra time SHARING with people. To me, that is the important part, not the 1¢.

This evening was spent on household chores and the Advancement of Penny Finders ideas. (ALSO PLEASE NOTE the special update from earlier tonight).
Lessons Today: Listen to the Nudgings, Take time to Share JOY.
Like a single drop of water on a still pond, seemingly trivial actions have an affect.
Today’s Total: 8 coins P (6), N (2) = $0.16
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