There were so many things happening today. Maybe I’ll just share 50% of them to give you a taste …
I arrived at the Penny Palace at 9 a.m. expecting the solar guys and the stone masons. At 9:30 I still was the only one on site. So I said, “Hey Angels, where is everyone?” And for the rest of the day there was a constant stream of people such that I didn’t even have time to go to the bathroom because someone was needing an answer or a tool or my attention. All day long I was Sharing about the magic of the Penny Palace.

Three stone masons arrived and immediately began taking wheelbarrow loads of stone from the pallet in the front yard, to the work area. By noon they had a great deal of the stone by the back door cut and dry placed. They cemented it during the afternoon. At 4 p.m. they were very close to finishing, but ran out of sand! I went to Neighbor Craig in hopes that he had some. He did not, but the other neighbors did. We had to climb over broken concrete and some boulders to get to the sand, but we did! Neighbor Carlos (who was one of Doc’s students many years ago), said, “Normal Neighbors would borrow sugar or maybe milk. You are asking for Sand?”
The solar crew arrived around 10 a.m. They spent a few hours fine tuning the solar panels and activating the second system. Doc is so excited about the data. This afternoon (and evening) he was out there every 15 minutes to read the meters.
As soon as the solar crew drove away, the Edison rep appeared. I wondered what he needed? Turns out he was there to read the meter on the temporary power pole. If you’ll recall, that was removed back in the middle of January.

After the Edison rep left, Neighbor Allison arrived. Earlier this week her husband had stopped by. He said Allison would love to see the place, but he forbid it -- she might get inspired and want to modify their house! So I promptly emailed to Allison that Robert said she was NOT allowed to see the Penny Palace - did she want to challenge that? She arrived this morning and we had a great time touring the PP.
At 2 p.m. the countertop guys arrived. Ernie and Jaime said they expected the job to take 2.5-3 hours. Things at the Penny Palace just are not standard. All 3 countertops needed significant “adjusting” to make them fit. They finally finished - at 8 p.m.

At least 6 persons toured the Penny Palace today. I think all of them “stroked” the Picket Fence Shower Tile.
Doc was great today. He dealt with the solar crew and then monitored the system throughout the rest of the day. While I was busy with the countertop guys (and because he was antsy and wanting to go home), he grabbed a shovel and wheelbarrow and took action. He got rid of concrete pieces, then shuttled 8 loads of topsoil into some planters.
By 8 p.m. I was tired and wanting food. I hopped into Pippy and noticed the note I had taped on my steering wheel 10 hours earlier: Remember to get the tile on the way home. A gal from the tile showroom said they were tossing out some tile. She would save those for me if I wanted them for the tile stream. The showroom closes at 4:30, so she left the tiles out for me. People have been so great with the Penny Palace.
On the way home I realized:
a) I needed a birthday card for tomorrow
b) I didn’t have any coin finds yet today.
Pulled into a shopping center at 8:45 p.m. Said, “OK Penny Angels, please come out to play”. Within seconds there was a very shiny penny. I immediately spotted a second penny, but there was a guy walking right over it! After he passed, I grabbed the coin. As I approached the door to the store, I spotted another very shiny penny, then a dime, then a penny. I was just laughing. “OK Angels, I asked you to Play! Are you having fun? I sure am.” There were six coins outside the store and then three more inside the store. They were peeking out from underneath display shelves and teasing me. That would be a finding rate of 270 coins per hour if it continued.
Busy day on site and then numerous emails to respond to this evening.
Doc found his coin when he stopped for coffee. He said the woman in front of him was standing on the coin. He politely waited until she moved away instead of grabbing at her feet!
Total: 10 Coins P (8), N (0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.28
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