
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day #1,196 - Plants Arrive

Today was ‘planting day’ at the Penny Palace. I was expecting some plants - but not a semi-truck load of them! Throughout the day I just kept going out to the yard and saying “wow, Wow, WOW!” So much color. So many varieties of plants. Grasses and lilies and ground cover and shrubs and trees and …. Butterflies! It was difficult for me to get any work done inside the house because I was pulled to the beauty of the yard. I felt like I was at a Nature Reserve!

This morning the guys from the glass shop arrived with the pieces and parts for their four projects:

a) shelves for the Master bathroom nooks

b) shelves for the dining room upper cabinets

c) the countertop end guard

d) the main kitchen shelves

It was fun to “check” those projects off the list as completed!

Neighbor Ed dropped in. He was a big help the day after Christmas when we erected the main structure of the spiral staircase. He had not been in the house since then and was amazed at the changes. Quite a bit of progress in the past three months.

I did some cleaning, moving things, a little painting, but mostly just oooing and ahhing over all the plants outside!


I was going to quit writing here and realized this is supposed to be PENNY Tales, not Dream House update.

I locked up the Penny Palace around 4:15 and headed for Rental Property #2. Stopped for petrol. There was a penny at the cash register where I was standing in line to pay. Surely one of the eight persons in front of me would pick up the penny. Each of the persons either stood over the coin or stepped right on it. Finally it was my turn to approach the register, but I paused briefly to rescue the trampled coin. (Coin #1)

I proceeded to the Rental House where I did a review of the Contractor’s work to see if he was finished. Then I met with the realtor and Shuntay, the new tenant. The final documents were signed and she was given the keys. As I was leaving we hugged and then she began moving in. Hopefully she will enjoy her time living there.

Total: 1 Penny

1 comment:

JR said...

Pepper Tree??? Bleuck. You'll never get rid of it and its progeny.