Doc wanted to be at the Penny Palace by 8 a.m., but I had several things to do this morning. Of course, no matter how late Doc is, he still has time for his Starbucks stop. He got his coffee plus one penny. I found a penny while walking the parking lot.

When we arrived at the PP, we noticed some rocks and dirt had been moved out of the driveway. Grader Rick must have brought his toys over to play this morning before we arrived.
At 10:30 a.m. Iron Jimmy arrived at the Penny Palace. He installed the oak cap on the upstairs handrailing. Now Doc and I need to stain and finish it.

This morning the two glass guys came out to take measurements for the bathroom and kitchen shelves. Next, I need to decide what type of glass. There are dozens and dozens of designs to choose from.
Doc and I spent 2 hours working on the tile stream. Glued down the pieces we cut a few days ago.

At 2:30 we met (at Starbucks) with the realtor and potential renter for House #2. When I arrived I asked the Penny Angels for a penny to confirm this was a good decision. Found a penny outside in the planter just as the new tenant walked up behind me. Signed all the papers. Looking positive there.
Spent the evening working on tax prep stuff.
Total: 3 Pennies
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