There were so many things going on today. The season’s biggest storm is expected to hit this weekend, so there was a ‘cents’ of urgency at the site.

On the way to the Penny Palace Doc stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. I walked next door to two other closed fast food places and collected two dimes and a nickel. (Coins #1-3).
It was misting slightly when we arrived at the construction site and we wondered if it would soon turn to rain. Fortunately the weather cooperated all day and much was accomplished.
The concrete crew was grading the driveway area, trenching for pipes and placing the formwork.

The landscape team dry-fit the three areas of flagstone on the front pathway. They moved dirt, put plastic sheeting on the front slope, and stapled down jute netting in the back yard.

Handyman George worked me hard all day. We began with moving leftover stones to the dungeon. Then we tossed unneeded (wrong assumption) stone veneer into the dumpster. After that we cleaned and laid floor protection, fixed a few odds and ends and cleaned in the front garage. Next we sanded and stained the underside of the oak spiral staircase treads. Good to make progress on those. By the time George left, I could barely stand.
Concrete Rick arrived in the afternoon. He has asked me to create the driveway scoring design by Monday or Tuesday. I took some string and lumber to mock up a few ideas. Meanwhile Doc took a nap on the bedroom floor.
I had planned to use a 6x6 wood post to support the mailbox at the curb. Rick said the wood would soon deteriorate. He suggested we use the leftover stone from the house. Thus, I went dumpster diving to retrieve some of the pieces we had tossed this morning.
Doc and I locked up the house around 5:30 p.m. Then we came home and worked on taxes.
Total: 3 Coins P (0), N (1), D (2), Q (0) = $0.25 (my favorite number)
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