This morning when I looked at Pippy’s mileage log, it said that I had not driven her for the past 13 days! I was surprised. That’s another way of saying Doc and I have been together almost constantly for the past two weeks. The new school term has begun, so today we went our separate ways - me to the jobsite, and Doc to school to teach, work with new faculty, attend meetings, etc.
This morning no one else was working at the Penny Palace, so I used that quiet time to put the first coat of glossy finish on the tile stream. I also caulked around the stovetop. At 9:30 I headed out to Rental Property #2. I had to go to the post office in that city to get a postal box key. By 10 a.m. I was at the Rental House. The Housing Authority Inspector arrived a few minutes later. He looked over the place and was impressed at how nice it is. There were a few details he wanted to see (cover placed on the toilet hose, new screen on the patio door, a self-closing door to the garage, touch up paint on the fascia, etc.) Nothing major and the new tenant should be able to move in this weekend. Yippee!

When I returned to the Penny Palace, Concrete Rick was there chalking out the placement for the scoring lines. We spent the next hour refining the layout. Then the concrete cutting guy arrived and did his cuts.
By 2:30 the Penny Palace was again quiet and I was able to apply the second coat of gloss to the tile stream. Then it was time to attack those previous chalk lines on the driveway and try to remove them. The wire wheel reduced the severity of the lines, but did not eliminate them.
Project Manager Daryl arrived at 3:40 to check on things. Compared to his other projects, this one is a pleasure.
I locked up the Penny Palace at 4 p.m. and headed for the blueprint shop. I was planning to get the newly-arrived Australia map laminated, but the shop owner feared his machine might wrinkle the map. Thus he did not want to attempt the job.
Next I went to Home Depot for concrete stain, more gloves, another wire wheel, one penny and one quarter. (Coins #1 & 2).
I arrived home just after 6 p.m. Doc called and wanted me to rendezvous with him for dinner and grocery shopping. I did. We collected two dimes and a quarter at the grocery store. (Coins # 3-5).
Doc had collected a penny and a dime at Starbucks on his way to school this morning. (Coins #6&7)
Total: 7 Coins P (2), N (0), D (3), Q (2) = $0.82
Hey Miss Pennyfinder. I love the view of the rainbow. Rainbows always mean Peanut is looking over you!!! If I know you, practical won out on the driveway over looks ;)
What did you decide???
Almost balanced with a few artistic twinges.
You will have to visit and see for yourself!
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