Doc and I aren’t too keen on these days where we need to be at the jobsite at 7 a.m. But we were both in good spirits in anticipation of a great day together.

At 7 a.m. we stopped at a Subway Sandwich for Coffee and breakfast. While Doc placed the order, I walked the parking lot. Tried to pick up a penny embedded in the asphalt. No luck. Found another penny, then a dime. Walked past the first penny and a car drove up and parked with it’s tire right on the penny! Then a few minutes later, the car left and I grabbed a screwdriver from the van in order to pry out the coin. Things were flowing nicely already. (Coins #1-3)
When we arrived on site, three concrete guys were working at full speed on the front walkway. I quickly set down my gear and spent the first hour making the final adjustments to the formwork. We “nudged” some rocks so that visually they flowed better.

In the second hour, all the blocks were laid for the retaining wall! It looks great and flows into a large boulder at the end of it.
In the next hour, the concrete truck arrived and as you can imagine, 5 cubic yards of the brown stuff was flowing!
Then my brother called and we spoke for 1-2 minutes before we each had to get back to work. He is also building a house and called to share the Celebration. He has electricity flowing to his garage!
Then I got a call from someone who said they wanted to repay me for a loan. I had totally forgotten about that. Seems like money has been flowing out rapidly. Nice to have some flow in as well.

Around noon, Hank, the contractor for the rental properties called. Yesterday he could not get the tub in Rental #1 draining well. Today he got out his Big Snake and cleared out the vent pipe. He said things were flowing now.
Doc brought lunch for the three workers and we set up a table for a picnic in the garage. That was nice. The burritos were tasty and the salsa was flowing.

After lunch Jaime placed the capstones on the retaining wall. We actually removed a few concrete blocks so that the caps flow better into the boulder.
Miguel and Serafin worked the finish on the front walkway. To me, the pathway flows like a river from the door to the driveway. It feels so inviting as it flows past the boulders and the soon-to-be bench.

At 2 p.m. we met with Rick, a City Public Works Inspector. It was a pre-construction meeting for the driveway. He wants to ensure that everything flows smoothly on that aspect of the project.
This afternoon Doc did quite a bit of cleaning while I applied the last few pieces of the bathroom decal.
We locked the Penny Palace at 4 p.m. and headed for Home Depot. Two pennies there. (Coins #4&5)
We had a 5 p.m. meeting at Rental House #2 with the realtor and potential tenant. Things flowed very well. I asked the Penny Angels for a sign regarding the renter. Within minutes of arriving, I found a dirt penny in a planter bed. (Coin #6) COINcidence? Here are a few more….
When I walked into the house, there was a feather in the family room. I thought, “Better pick up that feather or else the potential renter may think this place is not clean”. I got distracted and forgot about it. We conducted the house tour and found out more about one another. Then the lady said, “I prayed for a sign if this was the right place. I often get feathers as a sign to proceed. When I saw the feather in the family room, I knew it was a good sign!” Good vibrations flowing. There were several other “COINcidences”.
After the realtor and potential renter left, Doc suggested calling Handyman George to see if he would come over and give a quote on fixing up the back yard. I told Doc “what are the chances George could just drop whatever he is doing and come right over?” I called. George was in the area and was at the house within 10 minutes! COINcidence?
Meanwhile in those 10 minutes, the neighbor Shawn came over to introduce himself. I apologized for all the roofing debris in their back yard. He said, “That’s OK. We plan to totally clean up the yard, install sprinklers, and put in grass. (Right now it looks as bad as ours does). I said, “Really? I have a guy coming in 5 minutes to give us a quote, do you want one as well?” “Yes!” Talk about timing! Things were just flowing perfectly today. George assessed the work and will get our yard looking good as soon as the roofers and contractor are finished with their mess making.
We stopped at another Home Depot since the first one did not have the rolls of floor protections we were seeking. This time we got the materials as well as a penny. (Coin #7)
The van needed fuel, so we stopped at a gas station. When I went inside to get the receipt, there was the tiniest sliver of coin peeking out of a crack in the wall! One dime retrieved with my handy multi-tool key. (Coin #8)
There was so much more, but much of my high energy has flowed away. Must prepare now for tomorrow.
Total: 8 Coins P (6), N (0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.26
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