Today there was plenty of activity in both our front yard and the neighbor’s. In our yard three landscaping guys worked non-stop to position more plants, adjust the sprinklers and move the huge piles of topsoil and mulch out of the street.
The new neighbors to the South desire a tropical looking landscape. Thus today there was a whole crew working in their yard as well. They brought in huge palm trees. I commented on them and was told that the big trees are coming next weekend! So we can look out our front windows to see either a prairie looking front yard or a tropical oasis.
The day was overcast and drizzly most of the day. Doc was reading the solar meter which said 1200 Watts. A moment later there was an opening in the clouds and it read 2340 Watts! He was excited.

Doc dragged me out to work with him along the South side of the house. I dread hauling the wheelbarrow loads of dirt and placing the rocks. But fair is fair. He spent many hours assisting me with the tile stream. Payback time.
At one point the neighbors came over to the wall where Doc and I were working to chat and drink coffee. I finally asked them to leave Doc alone because he wasn’t getting his work done!
Iron Jimmy came out to take final measurements for the driveway gate and dog yard. He also measured for the South gate now that Doc has graded that area to the proper elevation.
This afternoon one of my former students visited the Penny Palace. He stood in the Grand Room in awe. He said he had never been in a house like this. I remembered that he once shared how he had lived for a while with his mom and siblings in their car.

Neighbor Craig came across the street with a wheelbarrow and tools. I wondered about his intentions. He just casually marched right past me and began fixing the huge cracks in the South wall! His comment “I was doing work in my back yard and have some leftover mortar”.
I was a little concerned that people in this new neighborhood would be “uppity” and too busy to even wave at each other. I have been proven wrong time and again on that.
Penny Finding? While Doc was getting our breakfast sandwiches this morning I walked around the parking lot. I did a SingSong and immediately found a gorgeous, shiny penny.
Total: 1 Penny
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