This morning Doc and I had our semi-annual teeth cleaning appointments at the dentist. Of course as soon as we got out of there, Doc stopped for a coffee. I collected a penny. (Coin #1).

We arrived at the Penny Palace at 11 a.m. The concrete crew was placing formwork for the driveway. The clothes washer and dryer had been delivered. That is the last of the appliances.

Yesterday we received our new trash barrels (black for household trash and green for yard waste). This morning our big 3 CY trash bin disappeared. I called the company to see if they had removed it or if it had been stolen. They took it away! They said someone called Tuesday to cancel service. I told them I had called to order the Additional household barrels. That took an hour or two out of my day to resolve that issue. By the end of the day, we once again had a dumpster!

Neighbor Craig has graciously been letting us use one of his trash barrels for the past year. I figured it was time to return it to him. So today I tried to clean it. It took a chisel, wire brush, scrubbers, a metal pry bar, and crawling inside of it to get it semi-clean. YUCKY!!! I believe when you borrow something, you should return it in original condition or better. (Unless maybe it is a tissue or toilet paper).
On the way home from the Penny Palace Doc stopped for coffee. I searched around the store and the parking lot, but found nothing. As we approached the van Doc said, “How could you NOT find a coin?” I turned to look back, and through a nearby bush I caught a glimmer. Could it be? I walked around the bush and sure enough it was a bright copper penny! (Coin #2)
Rated PG portion of today’s story. This evening I was restocking Doc’s wallet with “protection devices”. We had a good laugh. Other men might carry “protection devices” in their wallets as well. In Doc’s case he carries Bandaides for sessions with me! (Like yesterday’s Bloody Knuckles experience).
Total: 2 Pennies
Why didn't you just give Craig your new barrel?
Because they have ID numbers on them.
And you think somebody actually keeps track of that? Did you put Craig’s barrel out in front of the Penny Palace, or did you have to wheel it next door to be picked up?
We wheeled it across the street each week.
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