Being at the jobsite at 7 a.m. sure puts a kink in the normal body rhythms.
Doc stopped at McDonalds on the way to the jobsite. I walked around the nearby establishments and found a penny. (Coin #1)
The concrete truck was already pumping when we arrived at 7:02 a.m. Six guys were working the mix. In a short time, the 2.5 truckloads were emptied.
The concrete cutter came this morning to score the section in front of the garage. Several people noted my unique design. I say it has a radial design to look like a sunburst or wagon wheel. Doc says it is my spider web.

The landscaping guys again worked to get the stream operating properly. They discovered more seepage areas today. Tomorrow they plan to chisel out some of the stones and elevate the liner.
We are still trying to figure out how to remove the chalk lines from the first section of driveway. Murriatic acid did not work yesterday. Neither the power washing or the acetone worked today.
Handyman George was on site today. He worked Doc and I non-stop. We took everything out of the lawnshed, installed the shelves along the North wall, added three outlets, cleaned everything and made the Dragon’s Lair even better than it was originally. Then I started moving in some molding and such I guess that is a beginning step of the ‘move in phase’.
We had an afternoon visitor. Hank, the contractor from the rental houses came by with some paperwork. His comment, ”Very Nice. The renderings do not do it justice”.
On the way home from the Penny Palace we stopped at a local ACE hardware store. Last night I found the item I was seeking on a websearch and hoped the store might carry it. I found a penny shortly after I walked in, so that was a good sign. (Coin #2) The store had ONE bottle of the sealer - meant just for the Penny Palace.
We made a quick stop at home during daylight hours so Doc could clean the backyard waterfall filters. Then it was off to the grocery stores. As we were leaving the house, I was looking for my keys. Using my right hand I was searching my purse and pockets. Finally found the keys -- in my left hand with the grocery bags and other gear. Guess I am a little frazzled today.
A few days ago I began packing some long, tubular items in our current Guest Room. I made a note to “keep eyes open for a tall box approximately 14-15” by 36” long”. This evening at grocery store #1 there was a box right in front of me! I asked a clerk about it. She said, “It’s rare that we have long, tall boxes like that. Take it if you want it”. I like that price. Just now out of curiosity I went and measured it: 14” x 35” Just right! Manifesting?
Three pennies found at grocery store #2. (Coins #3-5).
I needed a greeting card for tomorrow’s function, so Doc and I went to Target. Doc took a nap in the car while I spent 45 minutes in the store. Found a cute solar light, some storage containers, plus a few more items including two dimes and three pennies. (Coins #6-10). As I was checking out, the cashier giggled at something I purchased. She said, “I’m sorry. I get excited by even little things.” I said, “Me too - like finding pennies”. She said, “There is one right here next to us!” JOY shared.
Now it is off to prepare the food for tomorrow’s annual family gathering, potluck, birthday party and Easter Egg hunt.
Total: 10 Coins P (8), N (0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.28
1 comment:
I can't believe it's three years for PennyFinders. Bet you can't either!
I think of the "spokes" in your design as signifying a compass, as in looking everywhere for pennies...and for places to spread joy.
Good thing it's not too sunny this weekend. Those sunglasses you'd be looking all over for...might just be on top of your head. Glad you found the keys so closeby.
Hate to tell you...are the chalklines dark blue? If so, it's indelible. I've dealt with that.
Love the waterfall!
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