“Unique” -- a word I keep hearing about the Penny Palace and it’s various components. Several people have noted (with dismay) that we have No Lawn in the front yard. True - who needs grass when you have Rocks! There are 373 homes in the development and I have seen only one other property without a front lawn. Why be like all the other ones? Unique is more interesting!

This morning I finally obtained the second wagon wheel bench. It took four guys to lift it onto Pippy, and three other guys to carry it into position. It looks great along the walkway leading to the front door.
Doc spent the whole day working on the grading of the South side of the house. Daryl brought his hedge trimmer and cut back the jasmine out of Doc’s way. We also retrieved all the leftover fireplace stone veneer pieces (which were headed for the dump) and transported them to use as slope stabilization.

The landscaper liked how the wagon wheel looked in the front yard and asked if I could get another one. I made a call to ensure the business would still be open, then drove out there. Wheel #3 obtained.
I stopped to buy a greeting card. There was a dime on the floor at check out. (Coin #1). Thanks Angels, but remember this is PENNY Tales. Within a minute I found a penny - but it was Canadian. “Angels does that one count?” (Coin #2) Within a few more seconds I had a U.S. penny also. (Coin #3)
I went to the nursery for a few additional plants. As I parked the truck, a nearby family noted the wagon wheel and wanted to know how they could obtain one too.

Back at the Penny Palace Doc had taken a lunch break to collect food, a penny, a dime, and a quarter. (Coins #4-6). He had also obtained a penny when getting fuel for the van (petrol) and for himself (coffee). (Coin #7)
Late afternoon Amir (a CPP colleague), his wife, and dog came to visit at the Penny Palace. Doc played tour guide for an hour.
I returned to the Penny Palace around 6:00 p.m. to offload the wheel and help Doc. After a while our neighbors to the South walked over to say hello and meet Doc. So we put down our tools and had a lovely two hours walking around the yards with them, then touring inside the Penny Palace. Their two dogs Cece and Valentine were also included.
The Penny Palace guests today were comprised of six humans and three canines. I think all of them enjoyed their visit.
Total: 7 Coins P (3), N (0), D (2), Q (1) + 1 Canadian Penny = $0.48 + Foreign
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